On Monday, 21 January 2019 the Italian Ministry of Economic Development set up a group of experts to study the various problems in the field of artificial intelligence (the list of experts is available on the link https://www.mise.gov.it/index.php/it/10-istituzionale/ministero/2038906-intelligenza-artificiale-membri-del-gruppo-di-esperti). Two years has past since the European Parliament, with resolution dated 16 February 2017 (available on the link http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+TA+P8-TA-2017-0051+0+DOC+XML+V0//IT), sent to the Commission the recommendations concerning the rules on robotics and artificial intelligence, but the current legislation (european and national) has not yet been adapted to resolve the legal issues raised by these technologies. We may define artificial intelligence as the ability of a machine having a certain technological system, to resolve problems or perform tasks and activities to imitate natural intelligence displayed by humans.Further to the technical advancements in computerised calculations and in the ability to quickly analyse considerable amounts of data, there now exist  robots and artificial systems which are now part of our daily lives. Not only are robotics and artificial intelligence used widely in manufacture and trade, in sectors such as transport, medical assistance, education and agricolture, but now exists such sophisticated software that can create works of art.In this scenario debate has opened as to the ownership of such works. The present legislative system does not recognise legal personality to robots and, as such, are not entitled to copyright.Hence, one thesis maintains that the person who has created the software implemented in the machine that has realized the work should be considered as the copyright owner. Another theory instead affirms that since these creations made by robots are not conceived by a human being, these works should be considered free of copyright. According to others, it would be desirable to grant the ownership of the works created by robots directly to them. This in view of the increasing degree of independency acquired by machines, which thanks to machine learning algorithms and to neural network developed intentionality and can have unplanned behaviours.On this regard, the European Parliament has submitted the proposal to the Commission to acknowledge ‘electronic persons’ status to the more sophisticated robots that act autonomously.